Walk on Fire

Walk across hot coals! All you need is belief [physics]!

Weeping Statues

Should we be impressed by weeping and bleeding statues?

Go! Go! Randi!

A musical and video tribute to the Amazing Debunker.

Bending Spoons

Learn to bend cutlery with your mind [hands]!

Tarot Cards

Use cards to tell the past, present, and future with incredible [no] accuracy!

James Van Praagh

A play by play breakdown of how “psychic” James Van Praagh talks with the dead [emotionally vulnerable sufferers of recent loss].

Grilled Cheese

How to spot divine [imaginary] figures in your food!

Psychic Gambling

Win the lottery just like a psychic [magician] does!

Astrological Reading

How to use the stars [human commonalities which we all share] to tell a person all about themselves!

Reason Rally

We marched the capitol, but we did it reasonably!